Brasil after the 2018 Elections
December 3, 2018
Community forming at Farm Lebensberg
July 1, 2020

Knowledge Harvesting at the Leverage Points Conference

Our work at the Leverage Points Conference in February 2019 was all about gathering insights, ideas and information from the many sessions and conversations during 3 days and combining them through a synthesis process to create a bigger picture.

If you’re interested in our working process and the resulting harvest, have a look at the Conferences Website:

or at this video anbout our work:

Together with Laura Martin and Jakob Kohlbrenner, my collegues at

Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany

Templates, Mindmaps, Graphic Recording, Graphic Facilitation, World Café, Fishbowl Conversation, Generative Scribing, Strategic Harvesting, Art of Hosting.